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The constant evolution of cyber threats imposes on organizations the need to remain on a constant warning in order to protect the confidentiality, integrity and availability of their digital assets. Proactive management of these risks becomes imperative for any digital age company, as damage from sensitive information theft, interruption of crucial operations, and potential users’ privacy and security exposure may make it impossible to exist a business.

These measures are no longer mere options, but unavoidable pillars to ensure business continuity and sustainability, as well as to achieve strategic and corporate goals. The commitment to cyber security and regulatory compliance is currently a critical factor in maintaining customer confidence, protecting the organization’s reputation, and ensuring operational excellence in an increasingly complex and challenging digital scenario.

  • Cybersecurity Health Check
  • SAST & DAST Code Analysis
  • Phishing Simulation
  • Penetration Tests
  • Vulnerability Management
  • Cloud Security
  • Digital Forensics

Cybersecurity Health Check

DM11® offers a comprehensive and in -depth analysis of its organization’s cyber safety maturity stage. This involves the identification of vulnerabilities, the evaluation of existing security practices and the recommendation of improvements to strengthen digital security. We offer an impartial and specialized view, helping your business to understand and mitigate safety risks, as well as implement best practices in accordance with regulatory compliance. The result is a safer and more resilient IT environment, protecting your business from constantly evolving cyber threats.

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Cybersecurity Health Check

SAST & DAST Code Analysis

Make a comprehensive assessment of software security, whether in SAST (Static Application Security Testing) or DAST (Dynamic Application Security Testing).
Through static and dynamic analysis, DM11® identifies Vulnerabilities and Safety Breaks in mobile or web-based applications, helping your business correct these problems before they become real threats. The work may consider the elaboration of remediation guidelines and training for the development team, maximizing the safety level of applications so that counterattacks are protected and meet the safety standards required by their industry. This results in safer and more reliable applications to end users.

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SAST & DAST Code Analysis

Phishing Simulation

DM11® provides for an effective way to train its organization’s employees against social engineering attacks.
Through simulated phishing campaigns we identify weaknesses and gaps in employee safety awareness. In addition, we provide detailed reports on users’ performance, highlighting areas that need improvements. Based on these insights, personalized training, tips and good security practices that foster a security culture are directed, increasing resilience against phishing attacks, reducing incidents of data violations and protecting your business reputation.

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Phishing Simulation

Penetration Tests

Cyber penetration tests directed to infrastructure scenarios, web applications, mobile and APIs offer an essential service to identify and mitigate safety vulnerabilities in systems and networks. Thus, through controlled attacks of attacks, we evaluate the effectiveness of existing defenses, identified weaknesses and provided recommendations to improve safety.
DM11® penetration tests can cover different techniques, such as exploration of vulnerabilities, attempts to invasion, and sensitive information theft. By providing a comprehensive view of the security weaknesses of your environment, your business will have an important resource for assertive decision -making to protect your digital assets, mitigate risks of cyber attacks and financial losses.

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Penetration Tests

Vulnerability Management

Given the scenario of the identified technological environment, DM11® conducts a vulnerabilities analysis where it evaluates and identifies failures and potential threats to environmental safety that can facilitate cybercriminous attacks.
Our methodology also allows us to offer full service to identify, prioritize and manage safety vulnerabilities based on the risks of your organization.
Through regular evaluations, it will be possible to map existing vulnerabilities, analyze your severity and impact, and provide directed recommendations to mitigate your risks. In addition, we enable the implementation of an efficient management process, including the configuration of continuous monitoring systems and the coordination of incident response teams. Thus, we offer conditions to obtain a comprehensive overview of your cyber security stage, which allows your company to take proactive measures to protect assets and critical information.

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Cloud Security

DM11® offers your expertise and guidance to help your business maximize the protection of your data and systems in the era of cloud computing.
Considering its strategy and characteristics, we evaluate the existing cloud infrastructure, identify vulnerabilities and provide recommendations to strengthen the level of cyber security. In addition, we assist in the implementation of appropriate security controls, such as multifactor authentication, encryption and continuous monitoring. With the support of DM11®, your company can take advantage of the cloud benefits without compromising the integrity and confidentiality of your data.

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Cloud Security

Digital Forensics

Our expert team is able to investigate cyber security incidents and criminal activities.
Through advanced techniques for collection, preservation and analysis of digital evidence, DM11® helps the identification of attacks, invasions and data violations. In addition, we offer expertise in forensic analysis of devices, data recovery, event reconstruction and detailed technical reports to support investigations and court proceedings. Respecting confidentiality and description criteria, we help our customers understand, mitigate and identify those responsible for digital security incidents.

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Digital Forensics