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Security Office

Your company’s safety is intertwined with the level of knowledge, experience and expertise of the technology team.

Our approach includes providing personalized solutions such as services that are meticulously adapted to your business specific needs.

Based on a profound understanding of the particularities of its organization, DM11® offers a set of services that incorporate the industry’s best practices and the expertise of our team.

This translates into an environment where safety is top priority, allowing you to focus on operations aware that your business remains solid and protected against cyber threats and resulting financial losses.

  • CISO as a Service
  • Data protection & privacy as a service
  • Ethical Hacker as a Service
  • Business Continuity as a Service
  • DevSecOps as a Service
  • Pentest as a Service

CISO as a Service

DM11® may be your CISO (Chief Information Security Officer) as a Service, capable of assisting its organization in the management and implementation of information security strategies.
In this model, we provide a senior information security specialist to act as a temporary or virtual grade that will provide strategic and tactical guidelines for protecting your company’s digital assets.
CISO as a Service can direct risk assessments, security policies, create awareness programs, establish security controls and guide corporate safety posture.
This approach allows your business to have access to information security expertise without the need to hire a full time.
CISO as a Service offers specialized support and adaptable to the specific needs of each size and reality, making your cyber security in good hands.

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CISO as a Service

Data protection & privacy as a service

DM11® offers the Data Protection & Privacy as a Service (DPPaaS) that helps your organization in search of compliance with the data protection laws and privacy of your employees and customers.
In this model, we provide data protection and privacy experts to assist in the implementation and maintenance of compliance programs.
DPPaaS may consider the evaluation and analysis of data processing processes, the elaboration of data protection policies and procedures, the creation of governance strategies and risk management, training and awareness of data protection and privacy, in addition to supporting safety incident response and interaction with regulatory authorities.
This model allows your company to have access to knowledge in data protection and privacy without the need to hire a dedicated internal team, thus providing a flexible and adaptable approach that allows the company to fulfill regulatory obligations and strengthen the confidence of its customers in regarding the proper processing of your personal data.

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Data protection & privacy as a service

Ethical Hacker as a Service

As a specialized partner, DM11® offers “Ethical Hacker As A Service” (EHaaS) that will help identify vulnerabilities in its systems legally and ethically.
Our Ethical Hacking experts are skilled at detecting security failures, testing the robustness of their systems, and simulating realistic attacks.
By hiring EHaaS’s service, we wake up the scope of work that may consider penetration tests, safety assessments and system audits, using the same techniques and methodologies as malicious hackers would use. However, the goal is to identify weaknesses before they are exploited by malicious individuals.
DM11® EHaaS allow your business to strengthen your cyber security, protect your data, and prevent attacks. Our experts will also be able to provide detailed reports of vulnerabilities, offering risk mitigation guidelines and helping to implement appropriate security measures.
We emphasize that all activities are performed in accordance with current laws and regulations, ensuring the integrity and privacy of customer information.

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Ethical Hacker as a Service

Business Continuity as a Service

The DM11® Business as a Service (BCaaS) enables your organization to plan, implement and maintain business continuity strategies.
BCaaS may involve risk analysis, the identification of critical processes, the elaboration of contingency plans and the conduct of disaster simulation exercises.
By hiring BCaaS, we work closely with your business to understand your needs and develop personalized plans. This may include the definition of disaster recovery strategies, the creation of communication plans, the implementation of backup solutions and data recovery, as well as the training of employees.
We also offer continuous monitoring and periodic updates of business continuity plans, aligned with changes in the business environment.
Our BCaaS enable your organization to minimize the time of inactivity in the event of interruptions, protecting your company’s reputation and maintaining operational resilience in the face of adverse situations.

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Business Continuity as a Service

DevSecOps as a Service

To assist your organization in the efficient implementation of safety practices since the beginning of the software development life cycle, DM11® offers Devsecop as a Service.
DevSecOps combines agile development, continuous operation and safety, integrating cyber security at each stage of the process.
By providing DevSecOps to Service, we work in collaboration with development and operations teams to identify and mitigate safety vulnerabilities throughout the development pipeline. This includes tools implementation and automation for continuous security tests, code analysis, vulnerabilities monitoring and security standards compliance.
We can also contemplate guidance and training for teams, promoting a security culture and ensuring that devsecop practices are consistently followed.
With DevSecOps as a Service, your company can create and deploy applications faster and more confidently, maintaining safety and compliance at all phases of the development and operations process without the need to hire a specialized internal team.

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DevSecOps as a Service

Pentest as a Service

Pentest as a Service (Ptaas) of DM11® offers a number of strategic advantages for your company.
With access to our specialized expertise, advanced tools and an impartial approach, your organization will have access and conditions to identify and mitigate the most current safety vulnerabilities effectively. In addition, this service allows your business to save time and resources, obtaining detailed reports with called splashes and meeting cyber security regulations, thus strengthening your safety posture and protecting your digital assets and reputation.

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Pentest as a Service