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For your company

Prevent yourself

“Preventing is better than remedy” also applies in the context of information security. DM11® opts for a proactive approach to the protection of your business as the best strategy that can mitigate restlessness in the face of potential incidents, such as cyber attacks or crises that may disturb your business operation and trigger harmful and substantial consequences.

Thus, DM11® is ready to offer designed and targeted services to support your business and strengthen it against the multiple threats that live in the digital world. Our expertise encompasses a number of strategic solutions and allow us to anticipate potential dangers, adopt solid preventive measures and build a resilient base.

  • Penetration Tests
  • Vulnerability Analysis
  • Vulnerability management based on risks
  • Phishing Simulation
  • Audit in Source Code | Code Review | Sast
  • Business Continuity Management
Penetration Tests

Penetration Tests

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DM11® adopts controlled and internationally recognized approaches. These techniques are based on observing the latest tactics employed by invaders and the vulnerabilities of systems. We evaluate to what extent the cybercriminal can penetrate its environment – covering from infrastructures to web and mobile applications, and cause damage to exploration of present weaknesses.
Through this focus, we are able to recommend the improvements necessary to strengthen your environment against potential intrusions, allowing you to maintain the integrity and safety of your environment.

Vulnerability Analysis

Vulnerability Analysis

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By applying techniques and tools that preserve the integrity of its environment, DM11® conducts the identification and qualification of present weaknesses, covering elements such as outdated systems and active vulnerable services. Our approach aims to identify areas of fragility without causing unwanted disturbances. From this analysis, DM11® provides segmented recommendations according to the risk level. This allows your business to directly direct efforts by prioritizing the implementation of solutions where they are most needed.

Vulnerability management based on risks

Vulnerability management based on risks

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Our advisory approach involves mapping the technological assets and their correlation with the areas and business processes that support them. Through this understanding, DM11® employs specialized techniques to identify and track vulnerabilities, associating each asset with a level of risk weighted by its relevance to business operation. In this way, we conducted an accurate assessment of the likelihood of a vulnerability to impact your venture.

Phishing Simulation

Phishing Simulation

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By performing phishing simulation campaigns, DM11® helps strengthen its environment and prevent possible malware infections, as well as protecting their information and maturing teams. The goal is to enable the construction of a resilient security strategy for your company that, not only mitigates risks, but also enables those involved to recognize the increasing challenges of cybercrime effectively.

Audit in Source Code | Code Review | Sast

Audit in Source Code | Code Review | Sast

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DM11® provides advisory support for identifying vulnerabilities in the source code of its programs, web applications, e-commerce websites, institutional platform and financial management systems among others.
Our approach can be customized to meet your specific needs, allowing your company to perform this analysis in a preventive manner during the system development phase, or even later, when the application is already in production.

Business Continuity Management

Business Continuity Management

Talk to an expert

To mitigate impacts of incidents and crises that inevitably eventually occur and interrupt their operations, it is essential to adopt a solid resilience approach. Based on globally recognized methodologies, DM11® offers custom guidelines and guidelines to help your business be prepared for these specific needs.
We evaluated the impact on the business to understand the consequences of interruption in critical resources. We perform threat exercises with incident response teams, coordinating tests to strengthen their readiness in crisis management. We have established a recovery strategy, defining objectives and priorities in a plan to guide immediate actions.
We developed IT continuity plans, outlining strategies to act in contingency mode until the complete restoration of operations.
We conduct tests and simulations and, we train the teams to perform continuity plans, aiming at continuous improvement. In addition, we have prepared your company to face known threats and not, allowing an adaptable and resilient posture.


Phishing attacks are a growing threat that have resulted in devastating malware contamination and valuable information theft in countless companies. With our strategy, we developed simulations of advanced attacks, identifying vulnerabilities and proposing actions before they have a chance to explore them. Our team will create realistic scenarios to test your company's resilience, allowing your team to be prepared to deal with malicious attempts. Protect your brand, customers and reputation, strengthening your digital defense with the best phishing protection service available.

SAST Action®

Have your operational security development strategy (DevSecOps) established with the highest level of efficiency and safety. With Sast Action®, DM11® offers the intelligence you need to optimize your safe development process by giving it the autonomy to analyze your code lines or choose to count on our advisory support. In any case, your company will be integrated with the model, allowing early detection of vulnerabilities, quick responses to threats, compliance and greater agility.

Pentest as a Service®

Maximize the protection and availability of your business! Perform a robust security assessment of your company's infrastructure and platforms through malicious sources attack simulations. We create realistic scenarios to test how their environments behave in the face of possible threats by identifying security breaches before cybercriminals do so. Protect your data, customers and reputation before being surprised.
