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Privacy Policy

DM11® [IT Risk Protection] Privacy and Cookies Policy

Last Update: October 2023

DM11® [IT Risk Protection] complies with the General Data Protection Law of Brazil (LGPD) and GDPR. We use cookies to improve our users’ content experience. By using our internet applications or signing the consent term when applicable, you manifest freely, informed, unambiguously, expressly and integral to your agreement with this policy. We recommend your reading carefully.

1. Introduction

DM11® is committed to protecting the visitor’s privacy from the site and the personal data provided to us.
This external privacy warning demonstrates DM11® commitment to security and privacy in the processing of your personal data. This policy clarifies the general conditions of how we collect information about you, how we use it, and how you can request that this information be updated, corrected or removed or its use to be modified. We reserve the right to change or modify this privacy policy at any time, so visit this page periodically to check for updates. Reviews of this Privacy Policy will come into force when published on this site. The last review date is shown at the top of the first page of this document. In addition, we can complement our current privacy policy with additional notices of our specific information practices for certain programs or activities.

2. Information collection

Your information is collected when you answer questions from our employees, or when it spontaneously fills in the data requested on the pages “Contact Us” and “Be a partner” whose data is:

Name, surname, telephone, company, company size, position and corporate email.

In addition to the data mentioned earlier, the site will be able to collect, handle and automatically store data such as URLs, IP addresses (with date and hour), pages accessed, surveys carried out, USER USED Browsers, Access Time, Number of ” “or” Downloads “clicks, poll results, among others.

3. Use of information

The information we collect is usually used to offer you the services we have, customize them for your needs, and to contact you about changes, additions, and updates to resource and opportunities for new services and resources.

If you prefer to no longer receive our communications, let us know. You can contact us at any time through the process indicated at [10. Contact] to request an update or removal of your personal information in file or modification of our use of your information.

The processing of personal data eventually provided to DM11® will be based on the legal hypotheses indicated in Article 7 of the Brazil LGPD.

We do not request sensitive personal data or recommend that you send us such data. However, if you provide DM11® any type of sensitive personal data (for example, through the contact form), the processing of such data will be based on one of the hypotheses provided for in Article 11 of the Brazil LGPD.

4. Information sharing

Your data will only be shared with companies in the same economic group in which DM11® participates and follow the same corporate rules, as well as necessary operators and service providers.

In any case your data is shared to achieve the purposes described in this document will be adopted the legal and information security measures necessary to ensure your privacy and the confidentiality of your personal data.

5. Security

We take robust technical and organizational measures to protect, administer and store your personal information to reduce the risk of loss, misuse, unauthorized access, disclosure or change. Although we use robust measures, we do not guarantee against loss, misuse or change of any information during your delivery or under our control. Therefore, we ask you to always take care of how you read and publicize your personal information over the internet.

Even so, the holder should be aware that no internet security system is guaranteed against unwanted invasions, thus complying with the provisions of Brazil LGPD, if there is an incident with your personal data that generates risks to you and other users, We will notify the situation before the Brazilian National Data Protection Authority (ANPD) and we can contact you directly whenever necessary in accordance with the law. In any case, we will immediately adopt the necessary measures to remedy the situation and restore the security of your personal data.

6. Used Internet Technology

Cookies are used in our services to analyze trends and statistics to improve your online experience or our customer service. No personal information is collected through its use. These small pieces of program code or “files” reside on the hard disk and the computer browser and can be removed. If you want to remove technologies, you can do so, but this can compromise the flexibility of browsing our site. You can choose not to use cookies or other internet technologies used by disabling these features in your browser settings or device program.

DM11® is not responsible for the use of cookies made by third parties. Be aware that cookies inserted by third parties may eventually monitor your online activities even after leaving our site, and you recommend that you clean your navigation history regularly or use tools available on your browser to prevent the use of cookies from the 3rd.

7. Rights

We are concerned that you have free access and knowledge of all rights related to the processing of your personal data. In accordance with LGPD, its rights are:

  • Right to confirm the existence of processing your data;
  • Right of access to your data;
  • Right to correction data that is incomplete, inaccurate or outdated;
  • Right to eliminate data provided with your consent;
  • Opposition right;
  • Right to request anonymization, blocking or elimination of unnecessary, excessive or treated data in non -compliance with the law;
  • Right to portability;
  • Right to obtain information on public and private entities with which your data were shared;
  • Right to revoke your consent;
  • Right not to provide your consent and consequences of negative;
  • Right to submit complaints or complaints before the controller of his personal data or to the regulatory authority (National Authority for ANPD Data Protection);
  • Right to request decisions review based on automated personal data treatment.

To exercise your rights or if you have any questions about the processing of your personal data, please contact our DPO through the email:

8. Retention and termination of your personal data

DM11® uses your personal data for the time required to meet the purposes for which your data have been collected, while valid consent in applicable hypotheses, to comply with applicable legal or normative regulations.

Data is kept in a controlled and security environment under confidentiality with restricted access control through authentication mechanisms.

We emphasize that, fulfilling the purpose of the treatment, ending the contract or received its request, or after fulfilling a legal order, of regulatory authority or other competent authority, the processing of the data will be finalized, and the retention will only be done if there is prior application of Technical and administrative measures of information security, and with the purpose of meeting the controller’s interests, such as the possibility of exercising his defense in future administrative, or judicial proceedings, or ensuring compliance with legal or regulatory provisions. Once the deadlines are overdue during which any of these hypotheses may occur, the data will be deleted safely and definitively.

9. Changes in this privacy policy

DM11® can change this privacy policy from time to time, at its sole discretion. Each time changes are made, we review the date of validity above. We recommend that you periodically review the privacy policy to ensure that you have the most current version and to stay informed about our information practices and the ways you can help protect your privacy.

10. Contact us

If you want to update or access your personal information, if you have a question or complaint about this privacy policy, our global privacy standards or our information handling practices, or if you have any questions, comment or concern about other data, or subjects, or subjects Related to Privacy, contact our Data Protection Officer at You can also direct your requests, comments or questions related to data or privacy to the following address:

DM11 ® [IT Risk Protection]

Av. Engenheiro Luis Carlos Berrini, 1140 – 7º andar.

CEP: 04571-000 – Cidade Monções – São Paulo/SP – Brazil.
